Kid’s healthy smile: 7 mistakes that parents usually do in their children dental care.

You Know regular brushing, a healthy diet and dental visit once a year are the best ways to have a good dental care, Dr. David Huertas from Institut Ortodoncia Barcelona will explain you the 7  biggest mistakes parents may avoid to keep your healthy smile for kids.

Parents, 42% of children ages 2 to 11 have cavities in their baby teeht and 21% of children ages 6 to 11 have in their permanent teeth, according to the American Association of orthodontist.

1. AVOID kids brush alone

Adults need to supervise and check brushing  to make sure every surface o each tooth is clean. Most of the children don’t have the motor skills to brush effectively until the age of 8.

2. NEVER Putting baby to bed with a bottle

According to the American Academy of Pedriatic dentristy using a bottle or a sippy cup at bedtime or all day long is a normal routine. This habit keeps the sugar and bacteria levels in the mouth elevated all the time and it is the easiest way to cause tooth decay.

Specially at night, if your baby (under 2 years old) needs it to sleep,  wipe out her mouth with gauze or soft cloth after get sleep.

3. First dentist appointment NOT too late

If you visit your dentist when your kid is 2-3 years old makes them feel more comfortable and even excited to go. Dental visits can be a part of their routine and they would realize there’s nothing to be afraid of.

4. Be careful with “Healthy foods”

Eat bananas, raisins, whole-grain crackers with meals, when there’s more saliva and always brush afterwards. All this kind of HEALTHY foods are highly concentrated of sugars and these will fulfill the grooves of the teeth and create cavities.

5. NIXING sports drinks or sodas

A common cause of tooth decay in older kids is due to sport drinks or  carbonated beverages at lunch. Bathing their teeth in acid all day, there’s no opportunity for the PH to re-balance.

6. Do NOT thinks that Cavities are not a big deal for baby teeth

Cavities can affect your child throughout his lifetime, baby teeth are essential to maintain space for adult teeth. They help guide the jaw so it can grow, so can have consequences in speech articulation.

Plus, if a cavity becomes infected, it can affect the development of their adult teeth, so  if there’s an abscess the child will likely need sedation.

7. Orthodontic treatment is NOT only for teenagers

The American Association of orthodontist recommends that all children receive a screening by age 7 because bones are still growing and it is ideal time as orthodontic problems became apparent.  Dr. Huertas said: “At this age, teeth are still developing, the jaw is still growing, that means certain conditions, such as crowding, may be easier to address”.

Before permanent teeth have come in, we can help them to erupt (emerge through the gums) into better positions. It’s early treatment will shorten and simplify future treatment.

Two conditions that require early intervention are crossbones that can cause jaws problems and protruding front teeth that stick out, this can be fractured and injured by a fall.


Thanks to all parents that everyday listen carefully our instructions and  take care of their happy kids with healthy smiles.

Author Info

Dr. David Huertas

Licenciado en odontología por la Universidad de Barcelona, Barcelona 1992. Certificado en ortodoncia por la Universidad de Pennsylvania, Filadelfia, 1999. Desde 1999 dirijo el Institut Ortodòncia Barcelona

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